Fenris Punk | Core Rules

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Core Rules

This is the original version of the Fenris Punk rules. It uses 6 base scores for character metrics and a d20 for attempts and various combinations of other dice for magnitude. AC or DEF is a threshold.

Character Building

Character Scores


Build Points

Base Scores

When it comes down to it, every one of us belong to the same species, we just have more diversity since Greenland melted... We got folks with pointier ears and better eyesight. But those undead and dragons, they're something else entirely!


Represents a character's physical power and ability to exert force.


Physical quickness, agility, and reflexes. It governs skills requiring stealth, speed, or ranged combat expertise.


Measures a character's physical endurance, stamina, and overall health.


Measures reasoning ability, knowledge retention, and problem-solving skills. It governs how much a character knows and how they process complex information.


Reflects a character's perception and observation. It governs how attuned a character is to their surroundings and inner self.


Interpersonal interactions, lying, diplomacy. Represents a character's personal magnetism, force of personality, and ability to influence others.


The choice of being has no direct effect on character creation in the core rules. Beginning characters may choose any of the available anthropomorphs.

Initial Scores



Most of the time they will con you out of all your credits. But other times they mess up and that's all folks!


Sometimes called a Bounty Hunter.


Magically enhanced, tough, strong individuals who get even faster when listening to some musical genres. Sometimes called a Bass Tank, Contra Tank, or Contrabass Tank.



Death Mage

Because they always have a chance of killing themselves when they try to kill you.


A korp(orate) crow always cleaning up the corporate garbage and feeding the crows. Sometimes called a Screaming Fist.




Welcome to capitalism! If you bought it with money... But remember, spending money might not always mean fair and square depending on who you're paying!


Leveling Up

Characters choose either the next level of their current archetype. Breaking the mold, or choosing multiple archetypes, is an optional feature in the core rules.

Action Economy

Entering Combat


  1. Determine surprise
  2. Establish positions
  3. Roll initiative - Determines turn order.
  4. Take turns - Begin the round.
  5. Begin the next round



Movement : Characters may move via walking, running, rolling, etc up to their maximum Speed during their turn. May also divide movement before or after other parts of the turn, such as moving 3 spaces, attacking, and then moving 3 more spaces.

Action : Typically used for attacks, but also can trade an action for any other type, such as for doubling movement, unless stated otherwise.

Bonus Action : Typically a set of additional actions a character can make during their turn.

Other Activity : Characters get one Other Activity, typically something else that does not require a DC such as anything from, but not limited to, the Interacting with Objects list.

Reaction : Interruptions from other actors.