Table of Contents
Posted on 2021-04-12
- 2062-09-27 8:00 am
- The group splits up to cover more ground.
- Ardric. Vince, and Captain Harold visit Skipper Val at the docks to talk about repairs.
- Ardric uses his alias, Dorian, and gives Val 500 credits as a gesture of good faith before leaving.
- So Skipper Val talks about how they keep track of everyone who comes and goes. Someone, a troll, named Abby from The Bessy, didn't leave with her vessel back to Seattle.
- Charles goes to The Pub and pays Zack for two Grogs.
- Charles meets Ranger Wedge and gives him the Grogs.
- Wedge tells about Spencer's Geo Supply and his cybernetic stomach that lets him drink copious amounts of alcohol.
- Wedge goes back to work, guarding the gate.
- The group reunites outside the pub.
- Someone starts screaming and the group goes to check it out.
- 3 "carpet things" maybe sasquatches are chasing the missing dwarf, Grumpster back to the gate.
- They kill one, and the other two flee back into the woods.
- Wedge almost got impaled by a spear but his body armour stopped it, he yells out to Ranger Ricky that he's taking the rest of the day off and going back to the pub.
- Before he goes he drags the body over to the gate, planning to incinerate it.
- Ardric stops him and figures out the "carpet things" are the doppelgangers and sends the body back to Midgard with the m-paper.
- Charles goes to Spencer's Geo Supply to buy some "supplies".
- Grumpster, Ardric, Wedge, and Vince go to the pub and talk about wtf just happened.
- Grumpster gets drunk.