Posted on 2020-12-21
- 2062-09-25 10:30 the group had made camp in a nearby cave and taken a short rest.
- 12:30 pm
- Big Mac goes from 6 back up to 26 health from the rest, but still exhausted. Everyone but him got cold weather gear.
- The weather outside gets worse.
- They decide not to go back outside yet and instead investigate the cave.
- Farther into the cave they find a strange set of three podiums with computer terminals.
- Ardric activates one of them and it speaks aloud:
- "Welcome Doctor Vance"
- The three terminals control a freight rail car that goes through the mountain.
- The PCs manage to start the car and after a long ride they pop out into a warehouse, presumably on the other side.
- The warehouse looks abandoned. Most of the machinery is in disrepair and the windows are broken. No one seems to be able to figure out what it's for.
- Ardric sends out his PJXT8
- Outside is Silvertower and a small building next to it.
- Charles looks through the junk in the warehouse.
- The PCs go back outside to the small building. They discover someone is inside.
- Ardric goes stealth suit and gets the person to put down their weapon.
- The person is Gavin, whom Gary has the bounty.
- They figure out Gavin has a 100k bounty, alive.
- "We're gonna be rich!"
- They introduce Big Mac as Jake from State Farm
- Gavin says he had been "treasure hunting" when he got here.
- He says there's an underground facility full of hostile androids.
- The PCs decide to investigate
- They take the stairs down and find the broken android, very large, just like the ones that attacked the arcology.
- They move on to another room, where androids look like they're building more androids.
- The PCs disable/destroy them, and hack one of them and Ardric and Charles put one of the GIOOTW drones on it. They name it Klack Trap.
- They move on to another room that looks like a storage/warehouse.
- Another room that looks like a rec room for non-androids (because of the food machines)
- In the next room they find a group of smaller androids in a cubeland office working at terminals.
- Everyone else holds back while Ardric sneaks in and Klack Trap goes around the other side of the room.
- But then Klack Trap trips and blows up.
- The explosion destroys some of the office and the sprinkler system turns on to put out the fire.
- Ardric's stealth suit deactivates
- The blast hurts: Ardric suffers disadvantage on all dex and also perception, athletics, and arcobatics.
- The androids in the room don't look happy.
At some point, either in the warehouse, or in the control room, they find:
- drone hackers kit
- 2 comlinks
- medkits x6
- cold weather gear (given to Big Mac, and just barely fits the giant dwarf)