Posted on 2020-10-19
New name, Fenris Punk.
- 2062-09-24
- 8:00 am, Anchorage, Alaska, the Coconutt Inn
- The inn specializes in selectively breed/GMO chocolates that can grow in the arctic.
- Denzen checks the news: Something going around about a philanthropist named Gold Appleseed giving away lots of funds to charities
- Garra contacts them: Take the train to Whittier and find me at the Harold Street Pub.
- Big Mac admits that he killed to get back to Seattle with his MacGuffin, back in July.
- 10:30 am they take the train
- They talk with the conductor, Samuel a 40yo dwarf born in North Pole in 2022.
- When the get to Whittier, everything in the town looks like a model toy next to the large arcology.
- The group finds the pub to meet Garra. It's full of all sorts of folks, probably taking their lunch breaks.
- Garra looks younger today. She turns off the holograms and almost all the clients disappear.
- The kitchen staff are drones.
- Garra sells or gives a way a few items:
- Ardric gets a can of Doctor Prunier
- Charles gets a Special Cigar and a pack of Special Jack Fruit Gum
- Denzen just gets a regular cigar
- Big Mac explains how to find the Askkon Inc lab where he bought/fought for the MacGuffin, in the lower levels of the arcology.
- The PCs decide to leave Big Mac behind for this and tie him up.
- Big Mac complains about getting hit in the head a lot after they lock and tie him back up before heading over to the arcology.
- Ye Ol' Beebop Haus Pub
- Mostly full of tourists and has a suit sitting at the bar getting drunk.
- The suit was recently fired from Askkon Inc, Billy Ehm Gruff.
- The PCs steal the employee badge.
- Charles got barfed on.
- They take a nearby lift and use the badge (which thankfully still has access) to get to the Askkon Inc levels.
- 1:42 pm
- As the exit the lift and walk into the lobby, the lift explodes and the corridor ahead fills with smoke and they hear screaming.
- Then another explosion from ahead.