Table of Contents
Posted on 2020-10-05
Ref Notes
Action items
- I've lost the exact chapter for the last few. TBD!
- Demo the new map renderer.
- Checkin about the game and do we want more players?
Continuity problems
- IINA document has gone stale.
- Accidentally merged SAFE and Thugless into the same group.
Known sandbox
- Seattle Downtown
- Big Cheese's office building
- Train to Vancouver, BC
- Seattle airport and the airship wreckage
- SPD main floor
- Void Room
- Cold War Bunker w/ the old C64
- Matrix
- Boeing fields in Renton
- SPD underground train to SeaTac
- SPD underground boiler (side quest)
- Daifin Building
- Space Ham's Dock in Seattle
- Space Ham's hideout in Everette
- Underground outskirts of Underette
- Underette
- Seattle Center
- Vancouver Stanley Park
- Midgard
- Alaska location where Chief Tony got the briefcase
PC list
- Cendre
- Zuko
- Ardric
- Denzen
- Sammy
- Zaki
- Charles
- Wiglaf
- HQ
- The Van (gone)
- Little Prince's case
- Big Karl's bloodied cloth
Prep notes
Ardric, Charles, Denzen and Garra used their m-paper and returned to Seattle, 2062-09-23T07:30, a few days into the future from when they left.
Garra declares she'll return home.
M-paper portals use the same spell that SPD portals use except that they use a technological element to store the spell rather than a classical magical element.
Whoever they decide to contact (hopefully either Big Cheese or Agent Smithereens), direct them to the same goal of going to the point of origin of Chief Tony's case in Alaska.
- Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport
- Whittier, Alaska archology expansion
- Into the mountain
- I left to go track down some bounties with Zaki. -Sammy
- Wiglaf is helping RW and me build a new hideout. -DT
- I'm moving out. Food up for grabs. -Cendre
- Deliver the cure for AARS.
- What happened to XJammer, the book the life of mr interesting, or Chief Tony's case.
- What happened to Charles 2nd and all the gold.
- What happened to Big Mac's case.
- Big Karl's bloodied cloth in the microwave.
- 2062-09-23 07:30 Seattle
- Reviewed the rules behind the detect and the bamf m-papers from Sheriff Stanley.
- Ardric and Charles go shopping to restock on supplies.
- Ardric contact Agent Smithereens for any leads
- Ardric rolled a natural max for news headlines:
- Daifin fixed their building.
- SPD still in ruins and repairing.
- Underett still under a lockdown from AARS.
- Thugless and SAFE security groups seem to be merging.
- 9:00 am, long rest until 4:00 pm
- Agent Smithereens wants to hire the PCs to track down where Chief Tony had gone before he died. Offering 100k reward for details.
- Meet with his contact named "Garra" in Alaska
- We establish the guilded knives from Midgard are magical
- The group leaves behind anything they don't think they'll be able to take on a flight.
- 6:00 pm meet at SPD
- The group goes into the lower level where the tram to SeaTac leaves.
- They'll take a 3ish hour airship flight, paid by SPD.
- Agent Smithereens sends along Big Mac, who had been in jail, since he was the last person known to go up there, before Chief Tony.
- Big Mac has magna-cuffs on both his wrists and ankles, with a dedicated comlink for the locks.
- Big Mac claims to have tried to buy all but one. The seller said they worked for a mining operation for gold and other rare minerals.
- Ardric takes off the ankle cuffs and gives back Big Mac's comlink, which he has had since they arrested him.
- 9:30 pm arrive in Alaska, 8:30 pm local so back one hour for the timezone.
- Taxi Beyond to the Coconutt Inn
- Ardric, Charles, then Denzen take the night watch.