Fenris Punk | Session 26 - Charles Killed Charles

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Posted on 2020-09-07


We obviously didn't use all of these ideas:

Start the session:

7:45 am

Ardric and Charles 2nd just killed the MadSc (again) at the top of the tower.

Charles 2nd roles for conditions. He fails regardless and suffers disadv on History, etc. Also, acid damage (also fails) which damages his armour.

After the recap the group hears a loud crash and smells smoke. DC 10 it definitely came from under. DC 5 inside the building.

Bendis says the tower won't let him recall Adric and Charles, but he can definitely send over Denzen.

Denzen, Bendis, Garra use the m-paper to bamf to the tower. The lights in the stairwell go out and the faint smell of natural gas starts filling the room. The MadSc's lab has electric lights so the PCs can see.

They all decide to leave.

(ALT: The body of the MadSc shimmers and fades to a dead XJammer wearing goggles with stim patches pumping something into his veins.

ALT2: His head ruptures and a grotesque creature like a featherless chicken crawls out.)

Something happens and Charles 2nd disappears.

They find Charles 1st is knocked out at the bottom of the tower. He either seems to have amnesia or the group notices the lack of armour damage.

The actual Sheriff shows with some thugs up as soon as the next time they decide to use the m-paper to teleport, but not while they remain inside the MadSc's lab or before the group has reunited.


MadSc steals all the gold. If the PCs took the MadSc's comlink, the message goes to that one.



After killing the MadSc, the group returned to the HQ. They found Bendis dead with three quils to the head lying dead in the bathroom. Also, it looked like someone stole all the gold.

Also, someone noticed an old pizza that Cendre had left in the refrigerator looks pretty moldy.

Charles, Denzen and Ardric went back to the tower. They noticed the person working the lobby had not left or cared to do anything about what happened earlier on the 20th floor. The group returned to the 20th floor to look around again.

Then they searched the 19th (lab storage) and 18th floors (quarters).

They group, Ardric, Charles, and Denzen returned to HQ around 11:00 am. When they opened the door they saw what looked like Charles standing inside fire a shot directly at Charles (standing outside) in the head.

Prep for next session

Charles 1st was the one who visited the J-Tower the first time with Ardric, but without Denzen, and waited outside. He did go up the tower the second time, though.

Charles 2nd met up with Ardric in the J-Tower bathroom. He received the battle damage from the MadSc battle and slipped down the stairs ahead of the group and stole the gold from HQ. He has left Midgard.

Charles 3rd was waiting inside the HQ and shot Charles 1st in the head.

Charles 4th will show up moments after Charles 1st gets shot in the head by jumping down from the roof of the HQ to tackle Charles 3rd.

Sheriff Stanley will show up behind the group, walking down the alley from the north with two deputies ordering everyone's arrest.

Two natural form BSTs walk from the south up the alley. These two will attempt to copy the Sheriff or Charles.

After the battle, the group can help the Sheriff hunt down the BSTs in Midgard or they can go back to 2062 or wherever. The Sheriff will explain most things about the city such as the gates, but also note he has locked down the gates until the BSTs have all been arrested.