Table of Contents
Posted on 2020-10-28
First, a special thanks to Rob Michaud who has donated several pictures to the project! Some of these images come from other projects of his, so perhaps we will get crossovers in the future.
Website and a new name
On Saturday, 2020-10-10 11:29 AM, Rob informed me about a similar project called Sins. I loved that name... I had planned on using it for years. But I would much rather not cause any bitter rivalry or confusion. I decided we should rename SINS is not SR to something else: Fenris Punk.
Note that I still need to rename/refactor the related game tools project. The legacy haskell probability and random value generator I will probably leave alone, but the map renderer still needs a new name, TBD.
I also decided to start refactoring dokk-ttrpg into a website to make it more accessible to folks who don't... git orgmode XD. Chances are you're reading this in html not in orgmode. The files will take a while to refactor, so most pages will lack the site format.