Fenris Punk | Legacy Rules PC Creation

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Posted on 2024-12-07

Character Creation

Fenris Punk assumes players want to role play their characters, not roll play them. We suggest but do not insist on the following order to create your character.

Choose background details


See Being.


See Archetype.


Choose a Distro or a BaseScore distribution. For a more well-rounded character, choose the Standard BaseScore. Then decide how to distribute or allocate each score, usually with consideration to Being and Archetype.

See the BaseScoreDistributions table.




Calculate stats

Fenris Punk uses deterministic stats; no random dice rolling when calculating character stats.


BaseScores influence the outcomes of decisions a player makes for their characters.

Being - Elf

Archetype - Death Mage

Base Scores - Standard

15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8

A player can then choose to distribute these however they could like, such as this, with the highest scores in wisdom and intelligence:

Strength 8, Dexterity 12, Constitution 10, Wisdom 15, Intelligence 14, Charisma 13

Elf characters get +1 to dexterity and +2 to charisma, so the result BaseScores in this case become:

Strength 8, Dexterity 13, Constitution 10, Wisdom 15, Intelligence 14, Charisma 15


Health scores derive from the archetype HealthDice and the CON. HP at character level 1 always takes the max number plus the CON. All other levels take half the max plus 1 plus CON.

Base Scores - Standard with Constitution 13

Dwarf - Constitution +1 so Constitution is 14, and CON is 2

Bounty Hunter - Health d12

Character Level 1, Bounty Hunter 1 : MAX(d12) + CON => 12 + 2 is HP 14

Character Level 2, Bounty Hunter 2 : PREVIOUS + half(d12) + 1 + CON => 14 + 6 + 1 + 2 is HP 23


  1. Talent Modifier

    A character's talent modifier score comes directly from their Character Level. All characters at level 1 start at +2. Use this modifier for dice rolls for related action, save, or skill checks that match the related SkillGroup and/or TalentScores.

    See the CharacterLevels table and the Archetypes table.


Choose a number of skills from the SkillGroups to add the Talent Modifer.

For example, a level 1 character with Dexterity 15 who has chosen Stealth but not Acrobatics would roll 1d20+4 for Stealth, but only a 1d20+2 for Acrobatics. For Stealth they can add both their Talent Modifer and their Score Modifier (DEX in this example), but Acrobatics only add DEX.

Except at character level 1 or by the Athlete, choose a skill more than once to use the Talent Modifer.


Rolling and calculating scores for Saves works like Skills, but Saves almost always happen as a reaction to something.


As long as a character remains conscious they have a set of automatic wills which set an Attempt threshold not for themselves, but for their adversary or the ref.


A special case for rolling a Dexterity Attempt to determine the actor's order in combat.


An abstraction for the distance someone can move during their turn during combat. All humanlike characters start with a default of 6.


Most actions in combat take only a moment or a few seconds.


Choose a Tool available from the related Archetype.

Some Attempts take more time than an Action. Often, these will not happen during combat. Roll for the outcome if the task has a reasonable chance of failure or if the ref simply prefers it. Instead of a Skill Attempt, players can choose to use a relavant Score Modifier to the Attempt and their Talent Modifer if the task involves one of their Tools.

For example, a level 1 character with Intelligence 16 who has not chosen History from their SkillGroup but has chosen Computers from their Tools can use a computer to help perform the task of looking up information. Without the computer this person would roll 1d20+3, but with the computer they would roll 1d20+5.

Choose items

Welcome to capitalism! If you bought it with money... But remember, spending money might not always mean fair and square, if the merchant uses slaves!



Choose any two from Version 1 (unless taking the credits instead). If you cast spells, your critical failure now equals the greatest Critical Failure.

For example, a level 1 character chooses a Glass Eye, a Corporate Head, and a Datajack. These have a Critical Penalty of NA, 3, and 2, respectively. When (or if) casting a spell, this character will suffer a critical failure if rolling 3 or less.

