Posted on 2020-12-07
- 2062-09-24, around 3:00 pm
- Retcon that the android picked up Denzen instead.
- The PCs destroy some large hostile androids.
- Enter Aran Nanoq, male elf combat medic for the arcology FD.
- He has a cool hover skiff.
- Aran offers to hire the PCs for a total of 100k if they can solve where these "grendroids" are coming from. (yay this is turning into a 200k mission to Alaska!)
- The PCs agree and give aliases, Ardric => Dorian, Charles => Roach, Denzen => Bilbo Baggins.
- Aran offers some supplies before they go south into the wilderness to investigate.
- The only thing to the south is an abandoned US military radio tower called Silvertower.
- The group also purchases some supplies from off the net, notably two drones, listed below.
- 6:00 pm
- Back to Garra's Harold Street Pub to rest and get Big Mac to bring along.
- 2062-09-25 06:00, everyone wakes up to head out
- Somewhere along the path they run into a group of travelers
- Gary (probably human), an ork, a troll named Grimace, 2 elves
- They were making enough noise for the PCs to find, but they seem to have all their coms in faraday cages
- One of them is a death mage
- The PCs pretend to be surveying the area
- Gary offers 1k for a photo of someone they're tracking for a bounty, Gavin of Askkon Inc.
- The PCs continue along the trails until they reach an avalanche. They decide to climb it, but Big Mac fails, takes 34 damage, and suffers exposure to the cold.
- It started hailing outside.
- Find a nearby cave and camp for a short rest.
- 10:30 am
PJXT8 Surveyor Aero-Drone, Thermo/Nightvision, 60 minutes constant flying, solar recharge 8 hours, AC 12, HP 20, claw/grip, 22 lbs internal payloads. 12k credits. microwave-sized
GIOOTW Drone (Get-It-Out of the way drone), good for removing downed trees or rubble. yay big 1k each