Posted on 2020-07-27
- LP sends a message "See you in a couple hundred years!"
- Midgard, night time, outside temp 75 degress f, nigh on midnight
- HQ has been moved
- Surroundings look Old World non-Seattle masonry buildings
- Ardric rolls a high perception and puts on the cloak
- Calling the area G-Square
- Ork church on one side with 2 folks, sounds like they're talking something like French
- clockwise from there, a storage building for the church
- then the alley with HQ neatly hidden
- across the square, some kind of corporate office building with gargoyles
- the rest look like apartments
- in the middle are some market vendors and an obelisk
- obelisk looks very tall, taller than everything else, all metal, very new, maybe only a year old
- Ardric works on a translator app, but without help from a signal, and determines the 2 folks in the church are speaking a pidgin of French and something Orkish.
- Something about "chickens 100k for 85 million krona"
- The church big clock tolls 3:00 am
- Ardric carves a G in a D on the clock for Dorian Grey.
- Regroup at HQ
- Ardric takes some canned air
- Charles takes a crowbar
- They sneak over to the storage building where they find lots of crates full of gold.
- Ardric G/D's one of the crates and takes a bar.
- Ardric leaves to check out the obelisk.
- 3:30 am Ardric goes to the west side of the square to check out "Building 5"
- Ardric uses the canned air (to weaken the lock to get inside).
- Inside he finds a lobby filled with candle light. It has three doors on the right, and three on the left, and a fancy staircase going up to a mezzanine level.
- The inside has lots of marble work.
- Ardric finds Garra (how did she get here?!) in the back left room. Looks like a library. She's been here for 7 hours, but doesn't know how or why. Her batteries are low.
- They look around. Ardric finds "the magic stick" and Garra finds a book, then gives it to Ardric.
- Back at HQ, Charles has used his hologram emitter to make it look like a stack of crates.
- Back in the library room... Garra further explains she has an AI on her comlink working on something, but the battery needs to charge. HQ can supply power on backups for another couple days (with low kitchen use).
- Garra changes into local clothing.
- Ardric decides the "magic stick" has runes on it and is about 5 AA batteries in length.
- 4:00 am, Ardric and Charles decide to investigate the mezzanine level.
- The top of the stairs has a large mirror.
- They go left into an office room with 6 folks.
- Ardric and Charles sneak in.
- The 6 folks are all working on paper. Maybe they're accountants.
- Suddenly a group of 4 armed guards in plate with arming swords.
- They haul away one of the accountants and march outside, across to the obelisk, and tie them up.
- The guards leave the area.
- Ardric sneaks up, still using the stealth suit when the person tied up says:
- "I can hear you... and I think I can help you get home."
The group finds themselves transported along with their HQ to some other location, at a different time of day. The people speak another language and seem to have older, pre-electronics technology.
After searching a house of worship and then a warehouse full of gold, Ardric used his stealth suit to infiltrate a locked building, presumably some kind of an office. He finds Garra and a few potentially magic items. Charles meets him back at the lobby of the building to explore the second floor, where they witness an arrest.
The guards tie up the prisoner and leave. Ardric sneaks up, but apparently not quietly enough because the person says he can hear Ardric and that he can help get the group home.