Table of Contents
Posted on 2020-03-02
Log 2020-03-02
- Ardric tries to shoot the sb rotor.
- Ardric rolls 20%.
- Charles shoots the cockpit for 50 minus 18.
- Charles rolls 89% for delivery of 2 frag grenades.
- Drag misses throwing an axe.
- Drag gets hit with HP minus 12.
- Wiglaf falls into the creek.
- Ardric takes control of the front turret.
- Denzen hits the gunship with a frag grenade for Port 50 minus 27.
- Drag hits SB for 50 minus 16.
- Ardric hits SB for 34 minus 8.
- Charles hits HL for minus 11.
- Ardric gets his drone, Type A.
- 12, 10 from the hull
- 6 more damage from the hull
- Ardric drone hits SB rotor for 5.
- Little Prince, the first Space Ham.
- The Riff, Snake Eyes are dead.
- Ardric contacts AS about Little Prince.
- Ardric rolls 22% for the answer from AS.
- Little Prince is a hologram.
- "Do not trust LP. Get out of there right now."
- HP 25, AC 15
- Raggy -4,-17
- Android -4,-12
- Steam -6,-6,-5
- Ardric takes Steam's comlink.
The group finished fighting the gunship and followed Little Prince down the lift to Underett on a vague mission to help. But on the way there, they meet up with some of LP's goons and it's a trap! LP fades away as a hologram and the group takes one of the survivors prisoner, Steam, who claims he's been force to attack them against his will.