Table of Contents
Posted on 2020-02-03
Various Notes
char roll
charles 22 wiglaf 15 drag 7 ardric 5 drones 4 etc 1
char roll
wiglaf 19 ardric 13 denzen 13 charles 11 drag 7 drones 4 etc 1
char roll
ardric 23 drone 22 charles 20 etc 20 denzen 6
Ardric 17 AC 30 HP 5 init
Charles 16 AC 35 HP 22 init
SOB Wiglaf 17 AC 47 HP 15 init
Sammy HP 35 - 10, -2
Drag 7 init
Drones Type A AC 18 HP 20 - 10, 19 HP 20 - 7 HP 20 - 10, disadvantage 4 init move 40
Drones Type B AC 18 HP 20 -25 HP 20 HP 20 HP 20 4 init
SPD AC 18 HP 20 - 15, +6 HP 20 - 7 HP 20 - 7 HP 20
chopper AC 18 HP 50 - 19
Log 2020-02-03
smoke DC 15 disadvantage to move
- 9:50 am
- What are the drones orders? :: DC 15 They've been asked to apprehend Drag.
- Wiglag attempts to jam hotcakes and fails.
- Ardic took control of the enemy drone's legs/movement.
- Charles tried to move the busted drone out of the way.
- Wig tries and falls on a pancake
- Drag pushes the drone.
- Charles hears SPD yelling about stuff.
- Wig heals one of the SPD.
- Ardric scratches up the drone pretty good.
- Ardric messages Cendre and Zuko asking for evac.
- Investigate the drones :: DC 15 finds a comlink
- Crates :: DC 18 -- 2 medpacks, manhunters w/ 1 mag, and smoke grenade
- 10:30 arrive at the Space Hams base
- Wiglaf notices a hull breech in the Space Hams boat.
- Virtual presense :: DC 5 for up to 5 comlinks.
- Mary Maser is dead.
- Johnny Little, Bob Hoodlem, Riff Zero, Prank Joe are presumed dead below deck.
- Ardric wants a drone :: 500 deal for a drone and plans to purchase a "better" one out of session.
- Charles wants 2 frag grenades :: TBD.
- Wiglaf creates a fishing pole.
- Going to Everett on the Space Ham's boat The Gutless Boar.
- Everett at 12:00.
- Drag says We haven't been here for a couple years.
- Ardric attempts to call the shot at the pilot.
The Space Hams are dead and oh look a gunship!
Last time the group fought their way out of Pike Place Market. A group of police issue combat drones attacked everyone while trying to enjoy a morning whiskey with sushi with new possible friend Drag Tuck. But further into the fight, the drones killed 3 (I think it was 3 of the 4... sorry been a month!) of the cops. Upon quick investigation of some of the wreckage, one of them had >=) marks. Agent Smithereens arrived near the end of the battle in heavy combat armour and escorted his surviving officer back to HQ.
Drag took the group to the Space Hams home base to find the boat blown out and only one survivor, Red Mazer. They then took the boat, still functional, up to the Everett safe house where they found one person hiding in the building warning them to get the hell out. Not a moment later, a >=) gunship ambushed them and Wiglaf jumped onto the front of it.